Privacy policy & Terms of use

Privacy Policy for Elements Spa

Elements Spa processes your personal data for various purposes, for example when you book a treatment or entrance to our spa. Our privacy policy outlines how we process your data. Below you can also find our contact details, should you have any questions or wish to request access to information.

We process your personal data in accordance with the Swedish Data Protection Act applicable at any time, here below GDPR.

Personuppgiftsansvarig för dina personuppgifter

Elements Spa Göteborg, del av Clarion Hotel Karlatornet, Cassiopejagatan 14, 417 55 Göteborg
Mail: är ansvarig för behandlingen av personuppgifter i våra system för bokning, fakturering och hotelldrift. Clarion Hotel Karlatornet är en del av Strawberry. Vi är vidare behandlingsansvariga för vår marknadsföring och utskick av e-post till våra kunder och andra kontakter.

Behandling av personuppgifter i samband med bokning av spabesök

In connection with booking made by you, or by others on your behalf, we will process personal data that we need in order to fulfil the agreement on booking and purchase of services. This relates to data supplied by you directly to us, or to us via a travel agent or any other agent. The data we process includes your identity, your contact details, and your payment details. We may also process other details that you have supplied and that are relevant to your visit to us. This may include information about allergies or special requests relating to your visit. We record all purchases made with us, e.g., in the spa or restaurant, so that we can deliver these services, and to allow you to pay for them.

We process this data for as long as necessary to be able to fulfil the booking agreement, and for as long as is required by the applicable laws and regulations.

Behandling av personuppgifter för marknadsföringsändamål

When you subscribe to our newsletter, we will store and use your e-mail address to send you news and offers.

We will also use your e-mail address or telephone number to send you news and offers in accordance with the rules relating to existing customer relationships. The legal basis for doing so is the Swedish Marketing Act.

Du kan närsomhelst dra tillbaka samtycke som du tidigare lämnat till oss. Du kan också avsäga dig att erhålla marknadsföring enligt befintliga kundrelationer. Detta gör du genom att skicka mail till: 

Behandling av personuppgifter för utveckling, felsökning och säkerhet

We process data, including personal data, to troubleshoot and correct faults, to improve our services and the technology we use, and to analyse users and user behaviours. We also process personal data to verify your identity, including when you use our digital services.

We anonymise the data and prepare statistics as far as this is possible, but we also need to process personal data for development, troubleshooting, statistical, and security purposes.

Behandling av personuppgifter för andra ändamål

If you contact our customer service team or make an enquiry in any other way, we will process the personal data you supply to the extent required in order to be able to respond to and log your request. The basis for this is our legitimate interests, being able to fulfil our agreement with you, or respond to your enquiries.

In addition to processing as outlined in our privacy policy or based on your consent, we may at times be required to process personal data when the applicable regulations, including the Swedish Data Protection Act and GDPR, valid public authority mandate, or the courts order us to do so.

Utlämning av personuppgifter och lagstadgad behandling

We will not disclose your personal data to any third parties without your consent, unless we are permitted or obligated to do so under the applicable laws, including the Swedish Data Protection Act and GDPR, valid public authority mandate, or the courts.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, we would like to clarify that our own processing of data for our own purposes is not considered disclosure.

Dina rättigheter

As a natural person, you have a number of rights pursuant to the Swedish Data Protection Act.

You have the right to request information, correction, and deletion of any of your personal data processed by us. You have the right to request that processing be restricted, to object to the processing, and to request data portability.

You can contact us here to exercise your rights. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, and within 30 days at most.

We will ask you to confirm your identity or ask you to provide additional information before we can allow you to exercise your rights against us. We do so to ensure that we only disclose your personal data to you, and not to anyone pretending to be you.


Vi är en del av Strawberry. Strawberry har sitt eget personuppgiftsbiträde. Personuppgiftsbiträdet är ombud för alla hotell som är knutna till Strawberry, inklusive oss själva.

The personal data processor is our contact towards the Norwegian Data Protection Authority.

Biträdet ger samtliga hotell inom Strawberry, våra uppgiftsbehandlare samt våra anställda råd och vägledning om behandling av personuppgifter och om bestämmelserna för detta. Biträdet arbetar för att säkerställa att vi uppfyller både bestämmelserna avseende personuppgifter och våra egna interna riktlinjer.

Our personal data officer can help you manage your rights vis-à-vis us, or answer any questions you may have about the personal data we hold on you.

You can contact our personal data officer by sending an e-mail to

If you believe that we have processed your data in a way that does not correspond to what is described herein, or if we were to otherwise be in breach of the Data Protection Act, you may present a complaint to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, or to the supervisory authority in the country where the Nordic Choice hotel you are staying at is located. Information on how to contact the Norwegian Data Protection Authority can be found on


We use cookies to improve the user experience on our websites.

A cookie is a small text file that is saved to your device (e.g., your smartphone, laptop, or tablet). Cookies are used to identify which pages of our website have been visited. Information stored by cookies includes, for example, how you use the website, what browser you are using and what pages you visit.

En permanent cookie ligger kvar på din enhet under en förutbestämd tid. En sessionscookie sparas tillfälligt i din enhets minne medan du är inne på våra hemsidor. Session Cookies raderas när webbläsaren stängs ner. Vi använder både permanenta cookies och sessionscookies. Strawberry kan också komma att använda en tredjeparts cookies.Om du inte vill att våra webbsidor sparar cookies på din enhet, kan du inaktivera cookies i din webbläsare. Om du inaktiverar cookies kommer funktionaliteten på våra webbsidor att minska.

Ändringar i integritetspolicyn eller behandlingen

We are continuously working to develop and improve the services that we offer our customers. This may result in changes to the way in which we process personal data, and the scope of the processing. The information provided by us in this privacy policy may therefore change and be updated from time to time. We will update the privacy policy when required as a result of new rules or public authority practice.

Terms of use for Elements Spa’s websites

Här hittar du användarvillkoren för våra webbsidor. För frågor ber vi dig kontakta kundservice, antingen via mail:

You can also find our privacy policy above.

Webbsidan och dess villkor

1.1 Denna webbsida ägs och drivs av Elements Spa, en del av Clarion Hotel Karlatornet och Strawberry.

1.2 These terms (“the Terms of use”) apply to your use of the website. By visiting and using the website, you are bound by the terms applicable to the website at any time.

Ändring av webbsida och användarvillkor

2.1 Elements Spa may make changes to the website in order to improve the user experience.

2.2 Elements Spa reserves the right to, without notice, make any improvements, changes, additions, or deletions of information on the website that they deem necessary. Furthermore, Elements Spa reserves the right to make changes to the Terms of use. The Terms of use applicable at any time are published on our websites. By continuing to use the website once such changes have been published, it is assumed that you accept the changes.

Immateriella rättigheter

3.1 Allt innehåll på webbsidan ägs, om inget annat anges, av Elements Spa, Clarion Hotel Karlatornet eller Strawberry.

3.2 The website contents are protected by copyright, trademark law and other intellectual property right stipulations. At no time is the user entitled to use the contents of the website in any way other than as outlined in the Terms of use.

3.3 Om inget annat anges, kräver reproduktion, publicering, bearbetning, överföring, lagring eller annan användning av innehållet på webbsidan, skriftligt förhandsgodkännande från Elements Spa, Clarion Hotel Karlatornet eller Strawberry. Undantag görs för tillfällig lagring på datorer eller utskrift för personligt bruk.

3.4 Användning av varumärken och logotyper som finns på webbsidan, kräver Elements Spa, Clarion Hotel Karlatornet eller Strawberry eller andra berörda rättighetsinnehavarens skriftligt förhandsgodkännande.


4.1 Our website may contain hyperlinks to websites owned and provided by third parties. Clicking on such links means leaving our website.

4.2 We have no control or influence whatsoever over the design or content of third-party websites.

4.3 The fact that our website features such links does not imply that we endorse or take responsibility for the information, product or service offered via the hyperlink.

4.4 Since we are not responsible for the processing of your personal data on third party websites, we recommend that you read the terms and conditions applicable to your use of such websites. Use of third-party websites is entirely at the user’s own risk.


5.1 Elements Spa och Clarion Hotel Karlatornet lämnar inga garantier avseende webbsidans funktion eller tillgänglighet.

5.2 Elements Spa och Clarion Hotel Karlatornet garanterar inte heller att den information som finns tillgänglig på webbsidan är korrekt eller fullständig. Detta innefattar information om såväl produkter, tjänster och erbjudanden samt annan information som anges på webbsidan.

5.3 Elements Spa och Clarion Hotel Karlatornet är inte ansvarig för direkta eller indirekta skador orsakade av webbplatsens utnyttjande, eller information på webbplatsen, i den utsträckning sådant ansvar inte är en följd av ovillkorlig lagstiftning.

Säkerhet på webbsidan

6.1 Elements Spa och Clarion Hotel Karlatornet samt våra samarbetsbolag kan komma att använda den information du lämnar i samband med transaktioner på webbsidan. Sådan information inkluderar kredit- och betalningsinformation samt leveransadresser och fakturor.

6.2  Elements Spa och Clarion Hotel Karlatornet vidtar alla rimliga åtgärder för att skydda den information du lämnar inom detta område i samband med transaktioner.